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Dry Roses and Diary

About Me

Storyteller and Margarita Fanatic

I was born in Phoenix, Arizona in January of 1998. I grew up in Ledyard, Connecticut until I was nineteen where I moved back to Arizona with the help of my dad and grandparents. I have resided there until the summer of 2022, moving back to Connecticut.


I had been writing and reading since I learning to. My first story I remember writing was when I was seven. I wrote about a princess who was sick of waiting for a prince to rescue her, so she fought the dragon herself, and escaped. Even as a youngster, I was interested in the morally-gray feminist. Over the years I developed stories and none of them ever went anywhere. It wasn't until I had been planning a Dungeons and Dragons campaign when I began to think of an incredible story of friendship, love, and a big ol' plot twist. I had already built the world and some side characters so I decided I might as well write and see what happens. It only took one month until the first draft of The Shield of Hope was written. All 90k of words in a google doc.


After publishing my first book, and having a crazy amount of support from friends and family, I finished my series and two other stand alone novels all in 2022. I pride myself in the work I do and I am excited for what the future of writing has in store for me.

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